2019 Reflections

How did your 2019 go?  Did you accomplish what you set out to 12 short months ago?  Did you hit your goals?  Did you go above and beyond them? 

It was a very busy year for me, but I am very proud of what I’ve accomplished.  I built most of a garage addition by myself (huge thanks to my Family for helping with the heavy lifting and framing), swapped a new engine platform into the MR2 (along with all the wiring, a big learning curve for me), dropped 2 seconds off my personal best laptime, broke a few things along the way (clutch, wing, engine lid), and learned a helluva lot about minivan engines and what they’re capable of… and that’s just with the racecar side of my life. 

 I also seeked and gained more responsibility in my career, skied 50+ days during a poor PNW winter, and in the biggest thing ever, my wife and I welcomed an adorable baby girl into our life…by far the biggest and best change!

I’ve already made big plans for 2020 and can’t wait to show you guys what I have in store.  If I can offer some advice to those who don’t feel they’ve accomplished what they thought they would… it’s t make goals, and write them down.  Every January I write down my major goals and stick them on the fridge, my wife does too.  I have car goals, life and career goals, and skiing goals all listed out every new year.  Writing them down heightens your accountability.  Once you have your goals, make a schedule, and more importantly, a budget to get there.  The budget doesn’t have to be monetary; it can be time as well.  Planning is everything. 

 While you may not accomplish everything on your goal sheet in a year (I never have!) it will give you some real motivation to get there eventually. 

 Also, lots of coffee helps.   

 Here’s a few shots of my shop while taking a few moments of reflection tonight. 

Cheers gang, hit ‘em hard in 2020.
